вторник, 30 июня 2020 г.

ITACA 4et — Vortex (2020)

François Houle: clarinet;
Alessandro Fedrigo: bass guitar;
Nick Fraser: drums;
Nicola Fazzini: alto saxophone


воскресенье, 28 июня 2020 г.

Martin Küchen & Landæus Trio — Mind the Gap of Silence (2020)

Mathias Landæus: grand piano, analog delay;
Cornelia Nilsson: drums;
Johnny Åman: double bass;
Martin Küchen: soprano, alto and tenor saxophone


вторник, 23 июня 2020 г.

Szmańda / Nubiola / Mazurkiewicz — Ten Plagues (2020)

Luis Nubiola: alto saxophone;
Jacek Mazurkiewicz: double bass;
Krzysztof Szmanda: drums;
Philip South: percussion


Enrique Haneine — Unlayered (2020)

Thomas Heberer: trumpet;
Catherine Sikora: tenor & soprano saxes;
Christof Knoche: bass clarinet;
Jay Anderson: acoustic bass;
Enrique Haneine: drums, cymbals, udu drum & tambourine


3'Ain — s/t (2020)

Yamen Martini: trumpet;
Otto Kint: double bass;
Piet Maris: accordion


четверг, 11 июня 2020 г.

Prospectus — s/t (2020)

Henri Peyrous: soprano sax, tenor sax;
Léa Ciechelski: alto sax, flute;
Julien Ducoin: double bass;
Florentin Hay: drums


среда, 10 июня 2020 г.

Jeff Albert — Unanimous Sources (2020)

Jeff Albert: trombone;
Cyrus Nabipoor: trumpet;
Brad Walker: alto sax;
Dan Oestreicher: baritone sax;
Jesse Morrow: bass;
Simon Lott: drums & percussion


Anatrofobia — Canto Fermo (2020)

Cristina Trotto Gatta: voice, melodica;
Paolo Cantù: electric guitar, clarinet, effects, loops, electronics;
Luca Cartolari: fretled and fretless 4-strings 6-strings bass guitars, bow, e-bow, effects, sound programming;
Andrea Biondello: drums;
Alessandro Sosso: diatonic accordion


четверг, 4 июня 2020 г.

Arrington De Dionyso & San(s) Kazakgsacar Solo — Tired Minds Improvised (2017)

Arrington De Dionyso: bass clarinet, saxophone, bromiophone, bamboo flute;
San Kazakgsacar Solo: gourd guitar
